ADHD in Women and Girls: Underdiagnosed + Undertreated

There is a notable gap in the recognition and treatment of ADHD across gender lines, with women and girls often in the shadows. ADHD in females remains under the radar, overshadowed by stereotypes and misconceptions. It is necessary to delve into the unique challenges females with ADHD encounter in order to shed light on the nuances of their experiences.

Understanding ADHD in the Context of Gender

The manifestation of ADHD symptoms tends to diverge significantly between males and females, influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors. For females, symptoms might lean more towards inattentiveness, internalization, and emotional dysregulation, contrasting the more overt hyperactivity and impulsiveness commonly seen in males. These subtler signs in females frequently flies under the radar of parents, educators, and even medical professionals, leading to a cascade of misunderstandings and missed diagnoses.

Complicating matters further, societal and gender norms exert a powerful influence over what behaviors are deemed acceptable or ‘normal’ for females, often discouraging the expression of symptoms that might otherwise prompt an ADHD diagnosis. The expectation for girls to be quiet, cooperative, and less disruptive in both academic and social settings masks the underlying struggles they face, contributing to the underdiagnosis and undertreatment epidemic. We need a clearer lens through which to view the gendered landscape of ADHD.

The Challenges of Being a Female with ADHD

Women and girls with ADHD face a myriad of challenges that extend beyond the classroom into every facet of their lives. Socially, they often grapple with forming and maintaining relationships, as their symptoms can lead to misunderstandings with peers. Emotionally, they might experience heightened sensitivity and emotional dysregulation, making it difficult to cope with stress and criticism. Academically and professionally, inattention and disorganization can hinder their performance and advancement, leading to feelings of underachievement and frustration. The societal expectation for females to manage multiple roles flawlessly only amplifies these pressures, creating a cycle of stress and self-doubt. This section will delve into these challenges in detail, illuminating the silent struggle many females with ADHD endure, often without the understanding or support they need.

Why ADHD Goes Unrecognized in Females

ADHD often goes unrecognized in females due to a combination of factors. Stereotypical gender expectations can mask symptoms, as females may internalize their struggles to align with societal norms of being quiet and compliant. The presentation of ADHD symptoms in females is frequently less overt than in males, leaning more towards inattentiveness and internal disorganization rather than hyperactivity, making it harder for parents, teachers, and even clinicians to recognize. Furthermore, females with ADHD might develop coping mechanisms that mask their symptoms, delaying diagnosis and treatment. These barriers highlight the critical need for increased awareness and understanding to bridge the gap in ADHD care for females.

The Consequences of Undertreatment

The undertreatment of ADHD in females has far-reaching consequences that ripple through their personal, academic, and professional lives. Without appropriate intervention, these individuals may struggle with low self-esteem, underperformance, and unfulfilled potential. The lack of support can also exacerbate co-occurring conditions, such as anxiety and depression, further impairing their ability to navigate daily challenges. The multifaceted impact of undertreatment highlights a critical need for timely and effective interventions to unlock the full potential of women and girls with ADHD.

Strategies for Better Support and Treatment

To bridge the gap in ADHD care for females, it’s crucial to adopt strategies that recognize and address their unique needs. This involves promoting awareness among healthcare providers, educators, and families about the subtler signs of ADHD in females. Early detection and gender-sensitive assessments are key to ensuring accurate diagnosis. Tailored treatment plans that include medication, therapy, and lifestyle modifications can significantly improve outcomes. Empowering females with ADHD through education about their condition fosters self-advocacy. Encouraging supportive networks can provide the understanding and encouragement they need to thrive.

Latest Research of ADHD in Women + Girls

Dr. Patricia Quinn

There are books on women and ADHD but many are out of date. The doctors who are considered at the top of the list for their work over the years are Patricia Quinn, MD, Kathleen Nadeau, Ph.D and Ellen Littmann, Ph.D.


  • Women/girls Internalizing patterns require much closer observation.

  • Women/girls Require self-report – most questionnaires are “other’s report”

 Books for Teen Girls and Young Women with ADHD and their Parents

  •  Understanding Girls with ADHD by Kathleen Nadeau, Ellen Littman, and Patricia Quinn (Advantage Books)

  •  100 Questions and Answers about ADHD in Girls and Women by Patricia Quinn (Jones and Bartlett)

  •  On Your Own: A College Readiness Guide for Teens with ADHD/LD by Patricia Quinn and Theresa Maitland (Magination Press)

  •  Ready for Take-Off: Preparing Your Teen with ADHD or LD for College by Theresa Maitland and Patricia Quinn (Magination Press)

  •  ADD and the College Student by Patricia Quinn (Magination Press)

  •  Coaching College Students with ADHD by Patricia Quinn, Theresa Maitland and Nancy Ratey (Advantage Books)

  •  The Girls’ Guide to ADHD by Beth Walker (WoodbineHouse)

  •  The College Survival Guide for Students with ADHD and LD by Kathleen Nadeau (Magination Press)

  •  Making the Grade A Student's Guide to Succeeding in College with Attention Deficit Disorder  by Stephanie Sarkis ()

  •  Women with Attention Deficit Disorder: by Sari Solden ()

Why Learn about ADHD in Women?

Undiagnosed ADHD is a Significant Health Concern

  • 2nd most common psychological problem in adults

  • Affects 4 million women - most undiagnosed

  • Accidents/injuries

  • Abuse

  • Marital difficulties/sexual issues

  • Unplanned pregnancies

  • Parenting problems – child with AD/HD

  • Poor self-esteem/depression/anxiety

  • Chronic stress disorders/fibromyalgia

  • Sleep disorders

  • Eating disorders

Why Learn about ADHD in Girls?

40% of teachers say the do not know now to recognize ADHD in girls.

Outcomes of Girls with ADHD Compared with Girls without ADHD:

  • 6.7x more likely to have major depression

  • 2.1x more likely to have anxiety

  • 3.5x more likely to display antisocial behavior when compared with the control group

  • 2.7x more likely to have substance abuse disorders

  • 4.3x more likely to have eating disorders. 

Gender Differences in ADHD & How They Affect Learning with Dr. Patricia Quinn