Carrer Guidance + ADHD

The Highlands Ability Battery assessment.

This test instrument focuses on cognitive strengths and provides career direction, measuring natural abilities rather than disability. We integrate those results alongside those from personality and values measurements and interest testing to provide elevated personalized career coaching success with clear recommendations for both educational and career paths.

Career Guidance for Students and Families

Choosing the Right College Major

At the beginning of the college journey, our career assessment provides students and families with reassurance, support, and direction. College is expensive and time-consuming. Investing in a career assessment that can guide your choice of college and your college major will likely save time and money by helping students avoid the expense and frustration of dropping classes, changing majors, and prolonging the time and cost of college.  

By partnering with our coaches and taking our career assessment, you and your student will gain a much clearer idea of what they need to succeed in college and a greater sense of where they best fit in this world. 

Working with an ADHD-trained career coach can guide them to understand what they are looking for in college and how to advocate for themselves in college and later in their career. Trained coaches can guide parents to gain a deeper understanding of what to expect when sending a neurodivergent student to college, how to support their student during college, assessing readiness to go away from home to college, and how best to support them as they transition to college. 

Career Guidance for Young Adults

Find Your Path, Get Ongoing Support

Career assessment and Coaching for young adults can provide the additional structure and direction needed to cultivate success. Often, young adults with ADHD, ASD, or LD face more challenges with their job search upon graduation. A tailored career assessment and ADHD-trained career coach can guide young adults in navigating their job search and understanding what aligns with their interests, strengths, and values. Trained coaches can then incorporate these results in supporting young adults in the planning, organization, and follow-through required to land their first job. This includes job search coaching, assistance with resume and cover letter writing, and job interview rehearsal to help clients succeed.